Earth Hour 2017: Ten Years of Impact

Reposted from WWF. site
This is our time to #ChangeClimateChange!
Together we have made a lasting difference and we must continue to protect our planet, our home. This year 2017 marks Ten Years of Impact.
This Earth Hour, help shine a light on climate change
Together, we made history in December with the Paris global agreement to stop climate change. Now is our time to unite once again to create the future we know we can for our planet.
This Earth Hour, WWF-Canada calls on people across the country to join others around the world to send a strong global message.
The 11th annual Earth Hour takes place at 8:30 p.m. local time on Saturday, March 25, 2017. Six continents, over 170 countries, and 24 time zones will be united as a global community, making our voices heard through individual action.
Turn off as much power as you can and focus on your commitment to climate action for the rest of this year.
How WWF-Canada helps
As the hour without power highlights, electricity is essential to our lives. We need to produce that electricity from sources that don’t contribute to climate change or damage habitats.
WWF-Canada is showing how that’s possible. Over the next five years, we will work to demonstrate that low-impact renewable energy, such as wind, solar and hydropower, is possible and can contribute to sustainability.
WWF-Canada’s plan for habitat-friendly renewable energy folds in two parts:
- Make a replicable, scalable, and self-sustaining business model for renewable energy investments in the Arctic.
- Demonstrate the possible by deploying low-impact habitat-friendly renewable energy technologies to three candidate Arctic communities.
Get more involved
Last year, WWF’s Earth Hour broke global records, mobilizing hundreds of millions of people to call for action on climate change. The symbolic hour has grown into the world’s largest grassroots movement for the environment, with activities and initiatives throughout the year.
- Find out about events happening near you or create your own Earth Hour activity
- Check out for stories, posters and a tool kit for your school, workplace and home to bring your Earth Hour ideas to life
We can all do our small part.