Message from our CEO

As we start a new year, we have 365 opportunities to trace our journey. Looking back 4 years ago, did I ever see myself becoming an entrepreneur, never in my wildest dreams, if you had asked me "do you want to own your own business, I would have replied "are you crazy"? But the universe had bigger plans for me. With no business or fashion background, Rok Cork made it's way into my life and has become a lifelong puzzle - every day a new piece makes its way to the foundation, every day a new lesson, a new opportunity. I have learned that we need to be vulnerable and truly be your authentic self when building a brand. Always keep your integrity and honesty.
For those who think it's easy, it's not, it's perseverance, it's determination, it's truly blood, sweat and tears. Social media shows what's glamorous, and makes people believe that if they are not living that life, then we're not doing it right. I wish we could all be more transparent and down to earth. So let's stop worrying about how many followers, how many likes, but reflect on how blessed we are for being here today and connected to each other in a truly soulful manner.
It's never too late to do what you love, for me it's all about continuing to share my passion for my heritage, and contributing to the livelihood of the families back home who take such pride and care in making our products.
For 2019, I wish my friends, my family, my customers, my partners, a healthy, blessed, abundant year.
With gratitude for all your support and inspiration.