Your Own Cork Tree in a Portuguese Montado

We are excited to launch our first Adopt-a-cork-tree campaign! Who will be the two lucky winners to have their own initials painted on a cork tree in Portugal by our CEO, Elizabeth?
How to enter:
1) take a foto with a tree and tag us @rokcork
2) send us an email at and provide your name and 3 of your friends
3) on instagram tag 4 of your friends to be entered
4) on facebook: leave a comment on the video page of the campaign, or DMessage us saying I want to enter.
p.s. the paint is water-based non-harsh chemicals!
Here at Rok Cork we have signed an exclusive partnership with the Association of Sao Joao has adopted 12 cork trees over the next 2 years. For the next 9 years until the tree is ready to be harvested again, you will have your initials marking your very own Cork tree, and receive a personalized Certificate of Adoption. How cool is that?
This initiative began in one of the smallest rural towns in the mountainous regions of interior Portugal, where a community with their love for nature came to realize that one of the local privately owned centenary “cork fields” - which at the peak of its livelihood housed over 200 cork trees - was not being maintained due to the owner’s health issues. As they saw some of the trees dying because they were not being harvested, their mission began to restore and revitalize the space and promote it as an ecotourism destination. The Association of Sao Joao, decided to approach the older gentleman and offered to purchase the “montado” with the remaining healthy trees, and at the same time preserve the cultural heritage of the town.
So the project Adopt-a-cork-tree was born. This community cork field, currently made up of 90 cork trees is a unique and fantastic space to have a family picnic or simply take an afternoon nap under the trees listening to the sounds of nature. You become one with nature in such surroundings.
With the proceeds of the Adopt-a-cork-tree program, this community is able to maintain the space in optimal conditions, provide community programs that take both younger generations and tourists back to the roots of artisanal workshops such as: cheese-making, bread making, farming, and brings families together.
This is Sr. Joao Vaz, owner of the Cork Montado, which has been in his family for generations.
Traditional rural towns in the most remote areas of Portugal, where houses withstand the test of time in their original stone built.
Where the way of life is lived in the most simple manner known to humankind. Back to the basics - from farm to table. Where animals are treated with respect and free to roam in the same traveled roads as humans.
One of the happy foster families with their own cork tree
Going back to the traditions of making artisan goat cheese with fresh milk.
The younger generation is taught how going back to the basics is now more valuable than ever. They learn how to make bread from scratch, the way our CEO still makes it when time permits.
We hope you enjoy reading this, and that soon you will experience our Portugal the way we do.